Resilience Themes

The following four themes are central to Jacksonville’s vision for resilience. They set the direction of the fundamental objectives for the resilience strategy (listed below each theme). These objectives will be used to evaluate and prioritize actions for how Jacksonville can become more resilient. 


Proactively Adapts Icon with clipboard

Jacksonville will not only prepare for today’s risks, but also proactively adapt for the future in the face of climate change and evolving social and economic conditions.   

Fosters healthy communities and environments icon with heart

Jacksonville will improve the health and well-being of all of its people, communities, and ecosystems, even as the city experiences increasing tolls from extreme heat, flooding, and other environmental and social stressors.

expands opportunity icon with arrows

Jacksonville will support innovative businesses, a diverse economy, and quality jobs to ensure widespread, shared prosperity during periods of economic growth and to provide a strong buffer against any potential future downturns. 

builds for the future icon with city icon

Jacksonville will grow in a way that anticipates the needs and risks of future decades and ensures the city remains a world-class place to live for generations to come.