
Resilient Jacksonville Vulnerability Assessment 

The Resilient Jacksonville Vulnerability Assessment presents a detailed analysis of the city’s vulnerability to multiple climate threats under current and future conditions, and provides Jacksonville’s decision makers the science-based risk and vulnerability data they need to identify and prioritize resilience actions and inform future planning and project implementation efforts. This report analyzes outputs from several assessments of vulnerability and key hazards including flooding, heat, wildfire, and high winds. 


Resilient Jacksonville Consequence Analysis 

The Resilient Jacksonville Consequence Analysis is an analysis of hypothetical alternate future scenarios of citywide spatial development patterns to support decisions to increase resilience to flooding as both a shock and stressor. These scenarios are not predictions of the future of Jacksonville, but instead use structured decision making (SDM) methods to characterize current conditions in the city; provide realistic projections of outcomes under a “Future without Action” approach; benchmark how outcomes might positively or negatively change with implementation of spatial planning actions; and inform the degree of impact spatial planning might have in the context of comprehensive resilience planning.  

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